All rights related to text information and images on this website belong to our company.
You may not use, reproduce, or transfer any of the content on this site without our express written permission.
All trademarks, service marks and trade names on this website belong to us.
Usage of any of our trademarks without our express permission is prohibited by trademark law. If you wish to use any of them, please contact us and obtain permission in advance.
We welcome one-way and reciprocal links to our website.
If you wish to link to our website, we ask that you please contact us at our email address beforehand.
(We do not allow links to our website from adult sites or sites promoting criminal activity. Furthermore, we ask that you please refrain from linking to our website from sites engaged in religious proselytizing.)
Please be aware that information on this website may be updated, modified or removed anytime, without prior notification.
Furthermore, we take the utmost care to ensure that the information on this website is accurate and up to date; however, should you find any errors we would appreciate it if you would contact us.
The user’s access or use of this website and the results thereof are at the user’s own risk. We shall not accept liability for any trouble, loss or damages whatsoever resulting from the information on this website or the use of this website.